Verse Language Quick Reference
The best official resource for verse langauge syntax and features. Contains most of what you need to learn the features of the language. Simpler to follow than the full API Reference Documentation.
The best official resource for verse langauge syntax and features. Contains most of what you need to learn the features of the language. Simpler to follow than the full API Reference Documentation.
A must-watch tutorial that explains the best way to keep track of your players and build custom features for them to access by creating a class and assigning it to your spawner SpawnedEvent. Introduces the concept of Gameplay Tags which allow targeting of objects in your scene without dragging them into your Device properties manually.
Now and then you may encounter the error message This invocation calls a function that has the no_rollback effect, which is not allowed by its context.This usually occurs when you call a function within an if statement, and the simplest solution is just to move the function call above the if statement. For example:
1# Wrong way
3 # DoSomething()
5# Correct way
8 # DoSomething()
Epic has stated in their Fortnite Creator Roadmap Trello that there are plans in the future to remove the no_rollback effect, so hopefully developers will no longer experience this issue in the not-so-distant future.